This is a grouping that is based on what kind of job some one has and how much money they earn.
A- Manger of a company, Earning top salaries.
B- A manger of a department within a company, earns good money. E.g. Teachers, retail, office jobs.
C1- Supervisory jobs, earns living wage.
C2- Skilled/ manual jobs. E.g Electrician, plumber, hairdressers.
D- Semi- skilled, earns minimum wage. E.g cleaners, Gardeners.
E- Pensioners, students, the unemployed.
Our opening sequence would apply to E, D, C2, C1. These social classes are appropriate for our opening sequence because E: students will want to see this film so they can fit in with there peers to enhance there social status and well being. D: earn a minimum wage therefore they would be able to afford they would be able to pay to watch films in the cinema. C1 and C2: this film would appeal to this social group as a luxury or social event.
Demographic Group:
This is information based on the facts of somebody. This will include there:
- Age
- Gender
- Class
- Ethnicity
- Nationality
- Sexuality
- Ability/disability
- Relationship status
- Number of children.
The age group for my opening sequence would be 15-25 this is suitable because the genre of horror would enlighten them and give them adrenalin from watching this opening sequence. This film is aimed at both genders although there are two girls in our opening sequence men like to feel like the protectors. For example testing there fears while watching this. Stereotypically this film would be aimed at white British as it features two British characters.
This is based on someones aspects of life. E.g:
- Fashion/style
- Personality
- Behaviour
- Values
Some one watching this might have a dareing personality who like to test there nervous. They might value there social group e.g. they might go and see this film so they can socialise with there friends.
Young and Rubicams audience type theory:
The explorer- likes a challenge, often the first to try out new things, they want to seen as different and the first to discover things.
The aspire- Worry about what others think about them, they tend to have superficial values, care about appearance. And strive for status.
The succeeder- Strong goal and know where they want to be in life. Responsibility in society. They seek out the best because they want to be the best and feel like they deserve it. they also like a sense of control.
The reformer- They pride themselves on tolerance and are often seen as being intellectual. They will not by something because its new but to enlighten them.
The mainstream- They like being apart of a big group and feel as though they fit in. They resound to family brands and value money. The like a sense of security.
The struggler- These people believe in the saying 'you only live once' and make few plans for tomorrow. They are associated with being losers, a waste of space. They seek escape from the real word by eating junk food and consuming a lot of alcohol.
The reformer- There aim in life is to survive. These people tend to be of an older age. They will have values that have been built up over time. They will enjoy traditions.
This film would appeal to mainstreamers because they would like too feel like they fit in and by watching a film everyone else is watching they will be able to talk about the film with their particular social group.
Maslows Hierachy Of Needs:
- Physical needs- Food, water, air and sleep.
- Safety and security needs- Being safe, healthy, employment, somewhere to live.
- Love and belonging- A sense of belonging, community, friendship.
- Esteem- Self esteem, confidence, respect.
- Self actualisation- Creativity, independence, fulfilment.
This opening sequence might make people have a self actualisation within thr characters. Love and belonging would also apply because they would be able to build friendship with people who enjoyed this film. This would then enhance their self asteem because they feel apart of something.
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