Thursday, 18 December 2014

Changes to our opening sequence.

When filming our opening sequence we decided to change the storyline because we thought that it was getting to complicated for the first two minuets. Now we are going to have her friend Molly being hung by a mystery character. Instead of her finding her friend buried in the ground. We are going to show this by having flash backs of the murderer walking though the woods.

Murderer description:
Costume: Blue shirt, black puffy trousers and walking boots. The trousers and shoes are muddy to connote that the murderer has been walking though the woods looking for some body. The blue shirt connotes that it is a man. We have choosen this costume because we think that is would make it clear to the audience who the killer is and what he is wearing so they can identify that it is the same person thoughout. The murderer will also be wearing black leather gloves this is to signify that he doesnt want to be found and has thought carfully about revealing his identity.

Location: The location where the murderer is walking is the same place that Sarah is running this will create enigma for the audience as to if she gets murdered or her friend.

Props: A rope. We will be using this rope because it will signify that there is someone being hung. The rope will be dragged across the floor by the muderer. A phone will also be used because Sarah is going to call Molly to signify to the audience that she is fine before she is murdered.
By Chelsie.

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