Monday, 24 November 2014

Opening sequence- Description of target audience.

As a group we have written a description on what our target audience will be for our own opening sequence. This involves the age, gender, social demographic, hobbies/interests/style/personality and audience theory.

Opening Sequence- Description of Target Audience

Our opening sequence must have a target audience so that it attracts specific people that will gain something from the sequence. This post will be discussing our decided target audience in detail.

   If the film was to be completed and shown in cinemas we would give it a certificate rating of 15 because it would be a horror film containing some graphic images but not as bad as the likes of Hostel for example, therefore we've started the age range at 15 as this is the age where groups of friends can go to the cinema by themselves and watch films of a 15 rating- boys an girls tend to go out as a large group to watch horror films thus by starting our age at 15, we are more likely to reach out to a younger target audience who can relate to the characters In our opening sequence.
   We finished the age range at 30 because we felt that at this age people might start to grow out of 'going to the cinema to be scared'- at this age people tend to start getting married, settling down and having children therefore their more likely to go to the cinema to see a family friendly film or might prefer to buy a DVD and sit in and watch it rather than go out.   
   We decided to target the film at both boys and girls. We don't feel that it's necessary to target one gender group because horror films can be open to anyone who likes to watch them
   Some people might say horror films are mainly aimed at boys due to the violent, dark nature that occurs within horror films however we're using a female actor in our opening sequence which could appeal more to a female audience than male.
Social Demographic:
   The audience demographic for our opening sequence is mainly working class male and females of a White British ethnicity aged 15-30. This demographic is open to interpretation as the character possibly starring in our opening sequence is of an Afro-Caribbean origin therefore people of this ethnicity are likely to watch the film too due to familiarity.
   The socio-economic status of the target audience for our opening sequence is E, D, C1, C2.
   The type of occupation our audience could have is likely to be low-skilled jobs such as admin or supervisory jobs because these people are more likely to have the time to go out to the cinema or sit indoors and watch a film.
   We chose to aim the film at a White British audience because the film will be produced by us and we are British and will also contain British actors therefore could appeal more to this group of people. On the other hand, British people often watch films made by American institutions and featuring American actors therefore this film can be targeted at a western audience.
   The people who will come to watch our opening sequence are likely to be thrill-seekers and people who get a buzz when watching a horror film- they enjoy being scared or find it entertaining when other people get scared.
   They either become intrigued in the horror film or use the horror film as a source of entertainment because what they are witnessing doesn't scare them. 
   They would have an interest in horror films/horror and paranormal documentaries/ TV dramas with sinister plots.
   The younger audience would engage in typical teenage activities such as partying, going out with friends, sleeping, shopping and watching TV.
   The people that would watch our opening sequence are likely to be of a mainstream style or potentially the other end of the scale: punk/rock/gothic style. 
Audience Theory:
   Young and Rubicam created a table to help them categorise audiences based on their personalities. For our target audience we have chose 'The Mainstream' because lots of people enjoy horror films (it's a popular genre choice if you're sitting in with your mates and no ones home or snuggled up on the sofa with a boyfriend/girlfriend) and these people will go regardless of how they feel so that they feel like they fit in and  are able keep up with what everyone else is doing. The Mainstreamers respond to big established brands therefore if a new horror film comes out made by a well known film company/director with famous actors in it, they're likely to go and see this film.
   We also suggested that our audience are part of 'The Struggler' category. It's typical of people to lounge about watching films, particularly horror films because they allow people to escape from ordinary life.

Following on from this, looking at the Uses and Gratifications theory, horror films suggest that our audience enjoy products which offer them opportunities to escape; our opening sequence will do this by allowing the audience to watch something that doesn't come normal to them, it is unordinary and fictional therefore they forget about their everyday lives.Additionally people might watch horror films as a form of entertainment. If people don't get emotionally affected by a horror film they might find it amusing and funny instead, therefore people who are seeking entertainment would go to see our film. 
By Chelsie, bethanie, Alix and rebecca

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